Yay picture!
This is me at 25 weeks. Right now I'm 26 weeks! Soooo crazy!!!!!
So far, just feeling tired and my belly/hips feel stretched (especially my belly button).
The fatigue is related to working 2 days a week plus doing clinicals 8-5 4 days a week plus multiple night time bathroom breaks plus being harder to roll over and get comfortable plus the fact that little Abby decides to wake up and dance at 3 am every day... whew. But I wouldn't trade it for anything!
So wearing all maternity clothes and big shirts right now.
No gestation diabetes! Woo hoo! I celebrated with a big bowl of ice cream.
She's sitting high. Which I never knew what that meant until now. It's like she's right under my diaphragm. But I don't know what's worse, her being there or sitting on my bladder.
We are getting the nursery slowly put together. Got a crib mattress yesterday (along with a tu-tu Nick picked out :) ). The crib is set up, and we have a dresser and toy chest. We're waiting for showers before filling in more. Soo excited!
It's weird to think I'll be entering my last trimester so soon!!!!! I totally don't feel prepared, so any tips would be warmly welcomed!!!!
You are so beautiful sweet friend!